Women in Mission: LWML

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Lutheran Women in Mission

Serve the Lord with gladness! Psalm 100:2

Lutheran Women in Mission assist each woman of the church in using her gifts of service to minister to the people of our congregation, community, and God's kingdom at large. This mission is accomplished through fellowship, Bible study, service projects, prayer, and offerings.

Proclaiming Christ

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all peoples!
Psalm 96:3

Supporting Missions

And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Mark 16:15

Equipping Women

Now may the God of peace ... equip you with everything good that you may do his will. Hebrews 13:20-21

Serving Others

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10a

Fellowship & Bible Study

An important part of the LWML is fellowship & Bible study. Women meet regularly in small groups called Circles, where women can come together to grow and support each other in their relationships with God and each other. Circles meet once a month September through May. Quilters meet twice a month throughout the year. To find a meeting time that fits your schedule, see the list below.

Monday, 6:30PM-2nd Monday-Rachel Circle
Tuesday, 12:30PM-4th Tuesday-Martha Circle
Wednesday, 9AM-3rd Wednesday-Lydia Circle
Thursday, 9AM-1st & 3rd Thursday-Quilters



Several times during the year, we collect items, or provide financial assistance to worldwide and community groups.

September-Lutheran World Relief-School Kits
October-Lutheran World Relief-Personal Care Kits
November-Military appreciation-determined yearly
December-1. Finacial aid to a King of King's LCMS seminary student
                    2. Individually chosen Circle projects or collections
January-Empty Tomb-collection of items-determined yearly
May-LWML District or National Convention-announced yearly


Mites are a freely given offering for the purpose of reaching out to others with the Good News of Jesus Christ. LWML collects mites based on the biblical account of the widow's mite in Luke 21:1-4. Districts retain 75% of mite offerings for the work of the LWML at that level. National mites fund over $1 million in Mission Grants.


For more information on current grants and other LWML opportunities and resources, click on the links below. 

 National LWML http://www.lwml.org/mission-grants

 Nebraska North District http://www.lwmlnebraskanorth.org




6 going

Renee Loontjer


LWR School Kits

Attached is a list of items Women in Missions: LWML collects in September each year. Use the list to shop Back to School sales & then plan to bring them to KOK by the designated date. No donation is too small. Thank you for your support.


LWR Personal Care Kits

In the attached document you will find a list of items collect every October by Women in Missions: LWML. When you are out shopping, pick up one or more of the items and then plan to bring them to KOK on the designated date to be assembled for shipping. Thank you for considering this mission and the needs of those LWR serves.




By Marcia Thiele on 3/3/2024

Women in Mission: LWML

Have you ever given considerable time and thought to the perfect gi...

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